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Higher Cathedral Spire: East Corner (5.10a)

Originally I was planning on linking this obscure route with South by Southwest on Lower Cathedral Spire. Well, with me and spires, there apparently is always rain involved, so the linkup degenerated into topping out in the rain, and hiking out. Here’s the mini trip report for your pleasure.

Me on pitch 3, (the […]

Yosemite cragging

Well, after our failure on El Cap we hung around for the rest of the week through Saturday and did a bunch of cragging. Finally we got rained out early Saturday afternoon, and headed on home. After a few rest days at home, I headed on back on Friday (6/5) afternoon, sleeping at a very […]

Failure on The Nose on El Capitian

There it is — the secret of our failure — our tiny rack. Clearly we didn’t bring enough cams, nuts, ropes, frisbees, shoes and other junk up with us! Seriously though, while this isn’t actually the rack we climbed with, it seems like we did bring way too much — or at least we […]

El Cap prep and lessons from East Buttress of Middle Cathedral

I’ve been home now for a few days, mulling over my most recent Yosemite climbing installment. In many ways, it was one of the best Yosemite trips I’ve had, but in others it was disappointment. If you want the one sentence version: Flashed my hardest granite crack yet, and failed on The Nose on El […]