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Tideline (5.11a) — my first Trad 5.11 flash

So it’s been a slow couple of weeks climbing wise. Basically, I got sick (ugh) and haven’t been out climbing since our Matthes Crest trip. Ugh. I’ve been to the gym bouldering a few times, but I’m just starting to recover enough to climb. Keeping my fingers crossed that the antibiotic I’m on (Cipro) doesn’t […]

Matthes Crest backpacking trip, September 11-13, 2009

[Note from Tad: If you are more into pictures or video and less about the words, just skip down to the youtube video below, and give it a look see. I Guarantee you’ll enjoy it. For best viewing, I recommend watching it in fullscreen HD.]

I’d been out to climb Matthes Crest (5.7, according to […]

Legendary Climber Layton Kor needs help

Yo folks — public service update for a legendary climber in need.

Layton Kor (yes, that Kor) is in need of a kidney transplant, and help with medical costs that are not covered by his insurance. In exchange for a $25 donation, you can win a day of climbing a Kor route wth a famous […]

Cool video: The Aid Climbing Rant

Cool video: The Aid Climbing Rant Recently found this again after someone who liked it commented on my Red Dihedral video. I think you’ll enjoy this rant against aid climbing ratings.

Red Dihedral Video #2: The Climb!

As promised, I put together a short (4:33) video with the highlights of our climb. Enjoy!