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Indian Creek Highlights: Reservoir Wall and Cat Wall

Words, words, words.  I have a habit of writing too many.  This time, I’ll try nothing but pictures and video.  Enjoy this quickie!

Sending on Reservoir Wall and Cat Wall -- Watch in fullscreen and HD for best effect

[Click on any of the photos below to launch a slideshow starting there]

View from the base of Think Pink (5.11-) on Battle of the Bulge

View from the base of Think Pink (5.11-) on Battle of the Bulge

Tad onsighting Pente (5.11-)  Awesome climb.  I can't believe how good this climb is!

Tad onsighting Pente (5.11-) Awesome climb. I can't believe how good this climb is!

Colin flashing Pente (5.11-)

Colin flashing Pente (5.11-)

Tad goofing around at the base of an Unnamed 5.11 (climb #23 from Bloom 2nd ed) on Reservoir Wall while Colin hangs his way up on toprope

Tad goofing around at the base of an Unnamed 5.11 (climb #23 from Bloom 2nd ed) on Reservoir Wall while Colin hangs his way up on toprope

Sunny on Tom Cat (5.10)

Sunny on Tom Cat (5.10)

Clowning around at the base of Kitty Litter (5.10+)

Clowning around at the base of Kitty Litter (5.10+)

Tad laybacking up Kool Cat (5.11), Cat Wall

Tad laybacking up Kool Cat (5.11), Cat Wall

There are more pics on my Picasa page.

So all you basking in the glow of florescent light, here’s your dose of what it’s like outside your self imposed jail.

Until next time,


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