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Pushing our limits — Indian Creek — October 2009

Well, it’s been way longer than promised — and you’re getting a video instead of more pics. Ah well.

Anyway, I just entered this video in the American Alpine Club video contest — the video with the most views between now and Feb 15th wins some cool stuff, and is featured on the AAC site.


Indian Creek Highlights: Reservoir Wall and Cat Wall

Words, words, words. I have a habit of writing too many. This time, I’ll try nothing but pictures and video. Enjoy this quickie!

Sending on Reservoir Wall and Cat Wall — Watch in fullscreen and HD for best effect

[Click on any of the photos below to launch […]

Indian Creek October 2009 Kickoff

Yo Yo,

Hanging in Moab, after cranking hard in the ‘Creek for the past four days. Whoo, perfect weather, splitter cracks. What more could you ask for?

[Click any picture to launch a slideshow starting there]

Tower shadows

Haven’t cranked out a large number of pitches yet, but I’ve been working to […]

Las Vegas to Moab – video from the road

On the road from Las Vegas, NV to Moab, UT — Watch in fullscreen and HD for best effect

The drive to Indian Creek from home is about 16 or 17 hours. I split it across two days, with an overnight in Las Vegas. Bored during the drive on the second day, I found […]

Whoo! In moab. Long drive

Here are some pics from the drive from Las Vegas to Moab. No climbing yet. Barely made it out of Yosemite before the roads closed due to snow!