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Indian Creek part 1: Blue Gramma, Technicolor, and Battle of the Bulge

The trip has started out great. We started on Blue Gramma on day one, Technicolor wall on day two, and Battle of the Bulge on day three. Now we’re hanging out in Moab, recovering on a rest day, getting ready for more. Keeping our fingers crossed that the weather improves.

A big dust storm rolled […]

Indian Creek Kickoff

I’m getting psyched for the kickoff, starting in Indian Creek.

For those of you not in on the secret, Indian Creek is a Crack-Climbing-Mecca. I’ve heard it described as “trad sport climbing”. Seriously, most of the cracks are perfectly parallel for hundreds of feet. Oh yeah — there are vanishingly few face holds. It’s about […]

TR: My first trip to Indian Creek (October, 2006)

Enjoy this blast-from-the-past, a trip report from my very first roadtrip to Indian Creek, way back in the distant past of 2006. Day #1, October 6, 2006: Travel

Flew Southwest from SJC to SLC with a stop in Reno. A whole bunch of us were on the same flight: Me, Derek, Patty, Nancy, Rick, etc.
