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Derek and I climbed Matthes Crest on July 18 and On the Lamb on July 19. We had a great time. I’m experimenting with a ‘photo-trip-report’ style on this one. Enjoy!
Note: click on any image to overlay a slideshow starting there
Phew, I just got back from a crazy weekend. The weather in all the usual places was crap, but Joshua Tree looked to be perfect (and it was!). Unfortunately no pictures this trip, none of us thought to bring a camera.
I drove down to Joshua Tree on Thursday evening — well, I drove half […]
OK, so it turns out that getting folks to let me know specifically when they’ll be available is somewhat problematic. My mass emailing gleaned a bunch of “I’m interested in IC”, “JT”, “Red Rocks”, “Bishop”, “Smith”, “Zion”, and “Yosemite” destinations, but almost no actual dates. So I’ve tried to put together a schedule. Please check […]
I just installed this wordpress blogging software to keep everyone up-to-date with my climbing adventures this spring. Let’s see how it goes!.
Starting to plan my rock climbing roadtrip. Sent out an email last week to all of the climbers I know hoping to find out when they’ll be available and when they want to […]
Enjoy this blast-from-the-past, a trip report from my very first roadtrip to Indian Creek, way back in the distant past of 2006. Day #1, October 6, 2006: Travel
Flew Southwest from SJC to SLC with a stop in Reno. A whole bunch of us were on the same flight: Me, Derek, Patty, Nancy, Rick, etc.